Man Food: Eggplant Chicken Parmesan (and it’s Gluten Free!)

I love a good eggplant parmesan don’t you? But a lot of guys don’t exactly consider it man food and it’s typically not a fave in our household so I started wondering if maybe I added chicken and then…… I started thinking…..yes deep in thought…..and then I thought by jolly I’ve got it a Man Food version and I’ll call it Eggplant Chicken Parmesan and it’s Gluten Free!

healthy man food eggplant parm

So it had to be gluten-free for me and this means ultimately it’s healthier for the men in my life so that’s a good thing and it has to be a simple, easy recipe! My life is extremely fast paced and I like to eat good, healthy food at home but I like to also have time to fit the things in my life that are important to me like spending time with family, or friends, great music, and my hobbies!

lovely eggplant coming in from the garden

The egg-plant have been harvested from the garden and I had five on hand so the timing was good…that being said I left the kitchen for just a moment and my husband had all but onel peeled before I could snap a photo. I’m not going to complain though…I love a man that knows his way around the kitchen.   I love eating fresh garden eats for dinner!

The recipe itself looks like a lot of steps but trust me it is so simple and easy to make.  I like things simple!


man food

Then I jumped back in and put this lovely recipe together!

What You Will Need:

  • A Shallow Baking Sheet ( A little deeper than a cookie sheet if you have it)
  • A Deeper 13 X 9 pan if you like (I used a metal one)
  • Eggplant
  • Chicken breasts I use about one breast per person so I put three in.
  • Ghee
  • Italian Seasoning
  • 1 egg white
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Fresh spinach
  • Parmesan Cheese
  • Shredded Mozarella Cheese

man food eggplant chicken parmesan and it's gluten free the steps

How To Build Your Man Food: Eggplant Parmesan:

  • Grease a 13 X 9 metal pan a little deeper than a cookie sheet with ghee ( I just use a pastry brush)
  • Heat up a cast iron skillet to medium heat.
  • I place 3 or 4 chicken breasts in a cast iron skillet with ghee again brushed on and I sprinkle the chicken with Italian Seasoning
  • Place oven on broil
  • Place an egg white in a small ramekin or custard dish
  • Peel and slice eggplant
  • Slice eggplant and place on a cookie sheet with ghee
  • Brush egg white on top of each eggplant slice and sprinkle with italian seasoning
  • Place under broiler until golden and then flip egg-plant over
  • Brush eggplant with more egg white on the other side and sprinkle italian seasoning on top
  • Transfer golden eggplant to a deeper 13 X 9 pan I used metal
  • Remove chicken from cast iron skillet and chop up and sprinkle over the eggplant
  • Take fresh washed spinach and layer over the chicken and eggplant
  • Shake parmesan cheese over all of it.
  • Sprinkle 1 1/2 cups mozzarella cheese over the parmesan
  • Pour our a jar of pasta sauce evenly over the entire dish
  • Lastly sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella and more parmesan on top!
  • Cook at 350 degrees about 45 minutes until golden (keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get too brown on top)

*Healthy Eats Tip – I did not add any extra salt and I chose a pasta sauce that was organic, affordable, and had 4 grams of sugar per serving of course your homemade pasta sauce is always even better!  I also did not add any salt to this recipe you may want to add salt and pepper to season but I used enough Italian Seasonings that this recipe did not call for more spices.

Voila and Enjoy!


Karen Lynn




Other Foodie Blog Posts I hope You Fall In Love With!

 Easy Cheesy Rice Pie – Canadian Budget Binder

Quick & Simple Italian Meat Sauce – Mind To Homestead

Eggplant – Of Goats and Greens 


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